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His to Love: A Bad Boys and Bands Romance Page 5

  “Man,” he said tensely. “That’s hardcore. Why bother getting a kid music lessons if you object to their being musical?”

  “This is my doing,” she said honestly. “Not my parents’. I just need to grow a backbone and break their hearts. I needed a week at a big corporation to show me that. What do they say? Desperation takes you where you should be anyway? It’s all good.”

  He melted. He loved the way she turned it around into a positive.

  “You’re so right,”

  “So back to my question. Can I?”

  “Please. Let’s do it. You wanna play my new thing or can we do one of yours?”

  She reached for his guitar and plugged it in.

  “Let’s do what you were playing.” She gave him a brilliant smile. “I have ideas.”

  He leaned in and kissed her slowly. It felt so incredibly right. He had no idea he was missing Rainy until he met her. He loved having her around. They played until it was lunchtime. He thought it would be a good time to break out the papers dealing with the use of her music by his band. It worked out great that she was a lawyer because she understood what the papers meant.

  They moved their act down to the sunshine-covered dining table. The mid-day light of a beautiful day spilled in and lit up their meal. He made them Greek salads and raspberry iced tea.

  “You’re fabulous cook.”

  “You say you burn toast but everyone has a specialty. What’s your thing?” he asked, pulling up a chair beside her.

  “I guess I’m more of a baker than a cook. Pizza is probably my thing.” She stabbed a tomato and held it in the air. “I have a secret recipe for sauce.”

  “Secret huh? Too secret to tell?” he asked, cocking his ear towards her.

  “Ketchup and pesto,” she whispered.

  “All right then. We’ll have our pizza delivered.”

  “Don’t knock it till you try it.”

  He turned his face. She was still close enough to whisper, and now close enough to kiss. Again, right as they were about to eat, he needed her. His hunger for her outpaced his hunger for food. Kris encouraged her up and onto the tabletop. It was a banquet-sized table, so there was plenty of room for them without disturbing their meal.

  He was momentarily nervous someone might walk in. He had the occasional drop in, but he hoped that wouldn’t happen now. He pulled out a condom, which he’d stuffed inside his pocket first thing that morning, just in case. He rolled the latex down his length. Rainy’s legs snaked around him and he was settled in between them. He stood and firmly pressed himself inside of her.

  His eyes fluttered as he adjusted to the amazing way he felt. He had been a lot of places, experienced highs he’d never thought he would—money, fame, the stage—but being with Rainy was possibly the best ever. He had no idea this was the way it could be.

  He kissed her fiercely, owning her with his tongue. She clutched his face and then played with his hair. When he released her mouth, her lips searched him, nestling in at the base of his jaw. It was erotic, releasing flames of passion that went straight to his cock. He was like a steel rod within her.

  He slipped his hands beneath her hips to protect her soft skin from chafing as he pumped into her. He swiveled and swirled, drilling her steadily. She did her trick—reaching between her legs and pleasuring herself. He could feel the pressure of her touch through her body. Felt her muscles squeeze him oh so tightly. Watching her was a turn on. Feeling her was a religious experience.

  This moment was going to be a quickie because there was no way he could hold on. Kris drew in a deep breath and looked toward the ceiling as he let go. His body tensed though he willed himself to move within her.

  Her wet heat stoked him. Her body was a blistering caldron as she tightened and burned around him. He could feel the start of her pleasure, the soft roll of her muscles that throbbed against his shaft. The pressure grew until her channel rolled with tremors. He braced himself on the table until they were both completely spent.

  His face was wrenched up as the last pulse of pleasure rolled through him. He took a cleansing breath and withdrew from her. He looked deep inside those beautiful green eyes. Eyes the color of a new clover. He was ruined for all others. Rainy was made for him both body and soul.

  He helped her with her clothes, which were only half off. They washed up and resumed their places at the table, both a combination of relaxed and dazed. They looked at each other and then giggled at their plates. The moment still had a hold on them.

  “My goodness,” he said finally.

  He spiked the salad with his fork and swiveled it around in the dressing. He held the fork to her lips and fed her.

  “Damn.” She licked the dribble of dressing from her lip. “That is good.”

  “All of it,” he looked at her intently. He wasn’t talking about the food. “So fucking good.”



  Rainy and Kris walked Jimmy Page around the neighborhood in a leisurely stroll. She couldn’t get enough of his stories. Every block had lore attached to it about wild parties as teens, to rich American blurbs about growing up in Portland when his life had been calm and peaceful.

  Sunday was wonderful, but it soon became Sunday evening and Rainy was filled with dread. She didn’t want to spend another minute at Grand Canyon, not even to tell her boss she quit. After she reviewed the sketches of offers the Septempermentals would make to her and to her band mates for their music, she was doubly motivated to find a way out of her contract.

  She headed home and emailed her band-mates a copy of the papers that Kris let her read. She told them the offer was still a work in progress, but it should give everyone an idea of what Kris’s band was thinking of.

  Next, she had to break it to her parents that she couldn’t stand her job and was going to look for a way out. She would pay them back eventually, but being a lawyer at a giant retailer was not something she could handle.

  Just as she was about to phone her parents, Dale called.

  “Hey,” he began sharply.

  “Hey back,” she replied, trying to set the tone so that he would calm down.

  “Maybe let me in on the negotiations.”

  “Dale,” she answered, shaking her head. “I referred to the offer as a draft, a sketch. Obviously, anything you own, you will be on the ground floor on any deal. I’m just letting you know they’re interested. Obviously, they’re trying to do the right thing by us because they are crafting offers.”

  His tone changed from sharp to giddy.

  “Rainy is this for real? Are these numbers real?”

  “Well they are if you want them to be.” She thought back to the generous offer Kris had led with. It was more than any of them could hope for. “That’s up to you. I think they want to be generous. It’s enough so that I can quit my job.”

  “Wow, that was fast,” he remarked.

  “Yeah, I can’t take it, and if this offer comes through, there’s no way I’ll have the resolve to work for Grand Canyon. So, if you guys want to come out here and negotiate in person, you are welcome to come here and stay. Better do it fast because I’ll probably be kicked out of my place. The job owns the lease on my home and as soon as this argument I’m about to start with Grand Canyon becomes contentious, I’ll probably be homeless.”

  “You don’t think they’ll simply let you out of your agreement?” asked Dale. “I mean tell them how unhappy you are.”

  “It’s more like a contract that an agreement and more like a prison than a job. I might be screwed, but I’d rather take the heat than waste my time there.”

  “Rainy, I’m coming out as soon as possible. We all may be coming out there, like right now.” She expected Dale to be the one to drag his feet, not lead the way.

  “What about my replacement?” She asked about the person they got to take her place in the band.

  “We never got one. We’re just getting temporary fill-ins,” said Dale. “We can’t find anyone we like.”r />
  That made her feel warm and fuzzy all over. “Aww. I’m irreplaceable?”

  “Something like that.” If they were together, he would have been rolling his eyes. “What are you going to tell your parents?”

  “What I should have told them a long time ago.” She drew in an exaggerated breath. “Sorry, but this is who I am. My moving here and trying to pretend I’m someone different won’t work. I’ll straight up tell the truth. They’re going to have to face stuff just like I do.”

  While they talked, she walked out to the backyard. She smelled the grill and turned sharply toward the fence, prepared to peek over and smile at Kris, but he wasn’t there. There were two other people in his back yard.

  She wished she had seen him. His absence made her miss him and she could hardly focus on the call. It hadn’t been but an hour or so since they were together but it felt like a lifetime.

  “Okay,” she said, cutting Dale off. “You’re welcome to stay here. It’s going to be a crazy week. I don’t know how things will roll once the shit hits the fan.”

  She heard sound of guitar being fired up.

  Dale gasped. “What is that?” he asked. “Is that them?”

  “Yeah, he’s got a cool set up.”

  Suddenly she felt someone behind her. She was warmed through and through when familiar hands wrapped around her waist and warm lips pressed to her neck. Suddenly all was right with her world.

  “Gotta go.” She spun around to face Kris. “Text me if you’re coming.”

  She turned around and threw her arms around him. Their mouths found each other. She hungrily swept the insides of his, tasting, licking, sucking. He broke the kiss. His eyelids were heavy with desire for her.

  “Wanna come play with us?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I do.” She nipped at his lip.

  “What about work tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “’Okay.” He slid his hand to the curve of her ass and gave her a pat. “Come on.”

  They walked over to the garage from her place.

  “I’m putting in a good neighbor fence,” he announced randomly. “A gate so we can go through the fence and not around.”

  Rainy grabbed a guitar and Kris helped her set up. He plugged her in and she got acquainted with the instrument. They began with a Springsteen song, which was fun and so invigorating. It was completely unlike any of the music that either of them did, but it was perfect for them because there were a lot of harmonies in it and that was a blast for them to explore.

  While they sang, they gazed into each other’s eyes. Singing and looking at Kris was a satisfying combination, more rewarding than anything she’d get from her hefty paycheck at Grand Canyon.

  The next tune they did was one of the Septempermentals’ huge hits. Rainy fumbled through it. She knew the tune, but playing it was another thing. She had a good ear and could figure it out, but it was a lot more fun having the hot lead singer tutor her.

  Kris stood in front of her so they could mirror each other. Just about every little interaction had sexual innuendo.

  Rainy was intensely worked up playing guitar. She lifted her heavy eyes to his. Her chest was tight and she could barely manage to breath, but she played along like a pro. It was reaffirming that she was indeed a worthy musician. She didn’t have to be famous. She just needed to play.

  At the end of the tune, Rainy could have dragged Kris to bed. It had to be uncomfortable for the others to feel the heat between them. She quickly made small talk until they figured out what next to play.

  “My guys are coming out.” She adjusted the strap of the guitar. “They’re interested in letting you play our tunes.”

  Kris smiled and winked. With that, he wound up with a few intro strums that everyone recognized and they all jumped in. It was a classic rock and roll tune. A good piece to get the blood flowing and the brain cleared.

  She was a lead guitarist, but so was Kris. She deferred because he was lost in his own little world. His eyes pressed tight as he riffed. It was so hot to watch. Rainy played back-up rhythm guitar. It was still a decent hour outside on a Sunday night. The neighbors were either patient, well-paid, or the ordinance let the band play as loud as they wanted.

  They did one more song, a tune that was made for Rainy. She was a wailer. She had a loud voice, with great range and versatility. She sang rock, country and blues. This tune was the blues. While she belted out the words, Kris played. Again, her chest was tight and her nerves were on fire. Being in the same room with him made her want more. How crazy was it that she’d just met this man and was certain there would be no other. Kris Brock was it for her. If he didn’t want her long-term she’d have to live forever on the memories of a few perfect days.

  Feeling the heat around them, the other members of the band stepped into the yard to give them space. He laughed and kissed her quickly. “We’re on fire, baby.”

  As she leaned in to stoke the heat, her mother called. “I have to take this.” She let out a groan. “It’s time to break my mother and father’s hearts.”

  Kris took her hand. “They already had their life. It’s time for you to live yours.”

  “You’re right,” she said, totally grounded. “Such a smart and sexy man.”

  She walked away and delivered the news. It went exactly as she expected. A lot of yelling. Some tears. A hang up.



  Kris put off his travel back to Malibu until he met with Rainy’s band. He sent his car service to the airport to pick them up. He didn’t want to interfere too much, but knowing how bands were and how intimate playing music could be, he wondered if there was ever a thing between Rainy and any of the other players. He spied through the window like a jealous boyfriend as the car pulled up and dropped them off.

  Rainy was at work, hopefully meeting with the human resources director and telling them she was no longer interested in the job.

  He did his best to leave her alone. He knew she would connect with him when she knew something. In the meantime, he planned to knock on her door to introduce himself. Kris received one grave text from Rainy on his way over.

  They say that if they accept my rescission of the contract, I have to give up the house. I don’t know if they own it or what, but I have to leave within 24 hours after they accept my resignation.

  Kris didn’t want to make a promise he couldn’t keep, but he knew the woman who owned the house. She was a widow and the mother of a high school friend of his—he even had her phone number. Kris would reach out to her after he said hello to Rainy’s band.

  He knocked on her door feeling nervous. A man opened it like he owned the place. He was tall, with longish hair and a beard. Admittedly, some might say that this guy was handsome. If Kris were honest with himself, he wished Rainy’s bandmate wasn’t good looking. The man recognized Kris right away and extended his hand to shake.

  “Hey.” After a firm shake, he said, “I’m Dale Heartnik.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Kris Brock. Say, I hate to knock and run but I gotta fix something for Rainy. It just came up. Come over when you feel like it. I’m right there.” He pointed to his house. “Just as an FYI, I have a big dog so if you hear him, don’t freak, he a big baby. Only looks vicious. Just give me a heads up before you walk into the house or the back yard.”

  Kris took a few steps away from the door and turned around. He really needed to put it all on the table. “So here’s the thing,” He rocked on his boots. “Rainy is at work trying to quit. She sounded pretty bummed in the text I just got. I have to be in Malibu, like now, but I put it off to meet with you. I have a jet ready and a house there. If you guys are up for it, we can fly down, run some numbers about your tunes. I can do business, you can do business, and we can take Rainy away from the hassle. Take care of everything at once.”

  He looked behind him at the other band members who were staring at him slack-jawed. “We’ll talk it over, but I’m sure we can work so
mething out,” said Dale.

  “Cool,” said Kris. “I’ll make arrangements. We’ll probably leave in the morning.”

  “What if she hasn’t quit?” Dale cocked his head to the side.

  “Maybe we can talk her into calling in sick,” said Kris.

  As he walked back to his house, Kris issued a flurry of texts. He put the dog sitter on notice for Jimmy Page and he alerted the pilot and his producer. He didn’t want to bother Rainy at work, but he sent her a note to let her know what was going on.

  Your band is here. I’ve only met one—Dale. We’re going to Malibu to hang out tomorrow. You’re coming.

  Kris entered the side gate and strolled through his backyard. He had some of the most fragrant rose bushes. He picked up the cutters and lopped off some long stems of various colors and brought them into the house for Rainy. He set a vase in the living room so that when she came over, the smell of flowers would greet her. He set another vase upstairs on his way to his studio.

  He was by himself, except for his dog, but he brought Rainy with him in his thoughts. She was never far from his mind.

  Jimmy Page was always at his feet or lying near him, but Kris neglected him. He used to stop what he was doing and give him attention, but a beautiful woman who had wrapped herself around his heart distracted him. He’d felt lust many times but this was more than a twitching of his dick. He was falling in love with a woman he barely knew and yet somehow he knew her as well as he knew himself. They were two peas from the same pod. Never had he experienced this level of desire before. He wasn’t sure if he’d been in love before, but he knew what he was feeling now couldn’t be anything but. He loved every moment he spent with her.

  Rainy was awful quiet. It was near the end of her shift and yet he hadn’t gotten a response to his message. He was aware he had baited his text for a non-response and one didn’t come. Kris wasn’t sure how he was going to get anything done again as long as he ached for her.